International Business Risk Life Insurance!

According to recent U.S. State Department statistics, over 6.3 million American civilians currently live in more than 160 countries around the world. Due to modern globalization and the optimistic ideals of free trade and enterprise, the United States has one of the...

When You Absolutely, Positively Have To Have It Now!

It’s been amazing when I put the word out that I could business life insurance in tough situations quickly to see how many professionals I’ve been able to help when they are truly in a jam. The scenario usually goes something like one of these, 1. A...

Is Your Afghanistan Life Insurance Going To Pay?

I took a call this morning that popped up a question for civilian contractors and workers in war zones that I had honestly not considered. The call was from a widow whose husband worked for a US company in Afghanistan and died while working there about six months ago...

Ex Patriot Or International Term Life Insurance!

I’ve brought this up in the past in response to a very real need with missionaries. Traditional life insurance isn’t horribly friendly to folks doing mission work outside of the country, a knee jerk reaction to the fact that there are some places in the...

Life Insurance For Crab, Lobster And Long Line Fishing!

It occurred to me as I was writing insurance on a civilian contractor working at a forward operating base in Afghanistan a few weeks ago that, that there must be others just like them. There must be other groups of people who could benefit from affordable dangerous...

Professionals Facing Real Dilemma With Restrictive Disability Insurance!

If you make $300,000 or less then this post is probably not for you, unless you can envision a time when your income is higher. Traditional disability income insurance will pay, at most, 65% of your income as a benefit, theoretically what you would net post taxes....

When A Plan All Comes Together!

I have clients all over the Middle East doing everything from engineering to Afghan translation to security services. I have been working with a company out of Argentina that has oil field crews working revolving shifts in Iraq and it looks like we will have the...