Do CEO’s Pay Too Much For Life Insurance?

The CEO or President of a company, other than having more responsibility than most, is just like everyone else in this great country of ours. When it comes to life insurance they are subject to the same unscrupulous or poorly equipped life insurance agents and...

Five Boneheaded Life Insurance Underwriter Questions!

You can figure I would take off on a subject like this because of some recent interaction with a life insurance underwriter who obviously has a desk somewhere out in left field, but the truth is there is never any shortage of questions that are completely irrelevant...

When You Absolutely, Positively Have To Have It Now!

It’s been amazing when I put the word out that I could business life insurance in tough situations quickly to see how many professionals I’ve been able to help when they are truly in a jam. The scenario usually goes something like one of these, 1. A...

Is Alcohol Abuse Always Alcohol Dependency?

One of those set in stone rules that we have lived with for years in life insurance underwriting just got a new look and possibly a question that may not make the answer as black and white as most underwriters would like it to be. I am currently shopping a case where...

One Million Dollar Life Insurance For HIV Positive?

Some nut case has been all over the internet search engines claiming a phenomenal life insurance underwriting breakthrough that will allow a large number of HIV positive people to get traditional life insurance up to $1 million. Since HIV became an issue in the...

Life Insurance Predictive Models! Will Agents Be Able To Implement?

  We’ve had an ongoing dialog the past month or so about life insurance predictive models or methodologies and how the life insurance industry might embrace and use this new technology to both help clients get better rates and put a more solid floor in...