Health and Lifestyle Impact Life Insurance Rates More than Age!!

One of the life insurance “urban legends” has to do with the large jump life insurance rates take when you turn 50, and again at 60, and well, let’s not even talk about 70. The truth is that while the cost per thousand of life insurance does in fact...

Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders and Affordable Life Insurance in the Same Sentence?

If you told a life insurance agent that you have a seizure disorder or epilepsy, and have they told you are uninsurable without asking more questions, take them off your Christmas card list. They are, not unlike most of their fellow agents, ignorant of the disorder...

Don’t Assume Big Names Mean Good Products and Prices!!

There is certainly no lack of unjustified respect for some of the biggest names in life insurance in the country. If you’ve seen their name on television or in magazines it kind of sticks with you and you probably, like most folks, assume that big and famous,...

Good Life Insurance Rates when you Take Your Diabetes to the YMCA!!

Competitive life insurance quotes have long been elusive for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Many life insurance companies are changing the way they view diabetes and recognizing that there is a substantial difference in the mortality experience between those...

Diabetics Move Up the Life Insurance Ladder!!

From a life insurance standpoint type 1 and type 2 diabetics used to be thrown in the same underwriting bucket as people who had coronary artery disease or even some types of cancer. Life insurance quotes coming from major companies these days would point to two good...

Why You Should Use an Independent Life Insurance Agent!

Let’s start with an analogy. Suppose you have just made a decision that it is time to buy a car and that, like me, you live in a thriving metropolis of 6000 people. There are two car dealerships, neither of whom have anything close to a large selection, and...