Go figure how a website can make it to the top of Google under the search “Life insurance for diabetics” and be completely uninformative and actually misleading.

They start off with statements like this, “Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, life insurance policies sold within the United States can become unaffordable or unavailable. This is because life insurance policies are allowed by state and federal law to charge a premium based upon an applicant’s health status. In addition, a plan can choose to not provide a policy based upon an applicant’s health status. If a person with diabetes wants to purchase a life insurance policy, the best option is to search for life insurance sold under the laws of another country. Most life insurance salespeople with large firms can help find international underwriters who will sell this type of policy in the United States.”

WHAT AN ABSOLUTE LOAD OF GARBAGE!!! Most people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes need look no further than a reputable independent life insurance agent right here in the US for fair and affordable life insurance quotes. Just like any health situation, whether diabetes, cancer, coronary artery disease, etc, the only issue that life insurance underwriters look at in the United States at is how well controlled the medical situation is.

It is not uncommon for diabetics who show good compliance with doctor’s recommendations, monitor their glucose and A1C readings, and carefully watch other risk factors such as build and hypertension, to get better than standard rates with many companies.

This top seeded website then offers a place to click to get “diabetes life insurance quotes” which takes you to a search engine where there is no information on how to correctly quote yourself as a diabetic. Apparently in whatever country they are from, one quote fits all. In the US that is called bait and switch.

If you are diabetic and looking for life insurance, steer clear of any website with “Spectrum” in their url. If they start out with blatant lies, you can assume it won’t get much better the deeper you dig.

This post is somewhat dated. Life insurance underwriting is changing and evolving continually. For more updated information check out some of the key word links. If you have a specific question or topic you need information for do a search. If you don’t find the answers you need contact me and we’ll make sure you get the information that is important to you.