A Bipolar ER Nurse?

Now there’s a calming thought. You’re still alive, traumatized from head to toe from a car to moose gathering on the highways of Maine and you’ve made it to the hospital. The doctor and nurse start working  and you relax as you know that you are with...

Back To The Future! The Short Version.

Life insurance companies are so burdened with their responsibility to clients to underwrite them fairly and offer the best price possible, and their responsibility to share holders to maximize profits by bringing in new business (competition) and cutting expenses...

Would You Buy A Battleship From A Used Car Dealer?

The obvious answer is of course I would buy the battleship if he had one just because I would be the only person in Silver City, NM to own a battle ship. There’s even a big enough lake a few hours from here to float it in although I’m not sure you could...