I Came To Work Overweight Today!!

Gosh. I thought it was going to be a pretty normal Monday. Feeling good. Got to play some golf over the weekend. Then MSN shook up my world by letting me know that I am overweight. Just for giggles I clicked on a body mass index calculator on MSN’s diet and...

Diabetics Move Up the Life Insurance Ladder!!

From a life insurance standpoint type 1 and type 2 diabetics used to be thrown in the same underwriting bucket as people who had coronary artery disease or even some types of cancer. Life insurance quotes coming from major companies these days would point to two good...

Why You Should Use an Independent Life Insurance Agent!

Let’s start with an analogy. Suppose you have just made a decision that it is time to buy a car and that, like me, you live in a thriving metropolis of 6000 people. There are two car dealerships, neither of whom have anything close to a large selection, and...