We’ve done a lot of work for clients with mild to moderate, usually situational, depression or anxiety disorders. The truth is the more crazed and frenetic our society and lifestyle become, the more people are looking for a little bit of help coping.

It’s probably a good thing too. Can you imagine today in America if suddenly everyone who is being treated for depression or anxiety or any other mood disorder wasn’t being treated anymore? Time to hide in the basement. Road rage would go epidemic.

Life insurance underwriters can feel pretty comfortable in giving someone preferred or even preferred plus rates if their mood disorder is fairly mild, hasn’t been going on so long that it would be looked at as a chronic issue, and they are compliant with treatment and doing well. They are definitely understanding and willing to work with situational depression. Situational depression is usually fairly short lived and treatment is just there to bridge the gap between the event (the situation) and getting back on your feet.

Non situational, chemical imbalance type mood disorders can still qualify for preferred or preferred plus rate classes as long as they issue is well controlled and a person is functioning normally. No lost time from work or hospitalization would be good for starters. A stable family life is usually a good indicator
that things are well controlled.

More severe mood disorders such as bipolar disorder probably won’t get to preferred rates in most cases, although we have been able to get a few clients there. A more realistic goal would be standard plus or standard given the following criteria. By the way, these guidelines are good measures for any mood disorder.

1. Someone who has not been hospitalized for bipolar disorder other than for diagnosis?
2. Someone who has not attempted suicide or had bouts with suicidal ideations?
3. Someone who is compliant with their treatment, both medications and regular followups?
4. Someone who is leading a stable family life or social life?
5. Someone who is exhibiting a stable work life?
6. Someone who is not on disability for bipolar and does not have issues with drinking or drugs? If there’s a problem here, then the answers to 3, 4 and 5 are no.
7. Generally better rates are available when control is achieved with anti seizure drugs such as Depakote rather than anti psychotic drugs.

Bottom line. Mood disorders, from simple to complex, with good control can usually be underwritten for life insurance at standard or better rates. Talk to a knowledgeable independent agent today to start working on insurance quotes.