So we’ve rounded the corner where we know we have life insurance carriers that will approve up to $1mm of life insurance, both term and permanent with life insurance underwriting guidelines that are custom made for just applicants who are HIV Positive. So you need to know what to expect in the process because it is going to be more structured than if you were come to me as someone with Type 1 diabetes.

The process starts with you contacting me with an interest. If you’ve called or emailed me then you already know what underwriters are going to need to see in order to approve you life insurance. It’s been in every blog post and is available as a stand alone landing page online. I can’t over emphasize how important these guidelines are. There is not a wide open door for anyone HIV+ to get insurance, but it absolutely is a door that is open for those that qualify. So pull your labs out and study the situation. The guidelines cover lifestyle, medical and lab results from the time you were diagnosed to now. I expect to be held to a high degree of confidentiality and to that end will use only secure communication, email and means of transmitting medical information. In return I will expect honest, full and complete disclosure from you.

So we talk. I gather enough personal information to create a file and review the qualifying criteria to determine that you have a good chance of qualifying. I will then email you a questionnaire and a list of things that I need from you to get started.. The list consists of a medical information release, a copy of the labs when you were diagnosed HIV+, the most recent labs showing viral load and CD4 lymphocyte count, and the most recent set of full labs covering everything from blood sugar to liver functions to lipids and renal functions. Assuming the information addresses all of the lab related issues as determined by the underwriter, we move to the next step.

The next step is an informal application. Please note that an informal application doesn’t allow the company to release information to the MIB, Medical Information Bureau. There is no exam at this juncture because it is still informal and this application will allow the company to acquire full medical records. Let me very frank about this part of the process. We have already determined that the beginning (diagnosis) and the end (now) meet the guidelines. We’ve seen that documentation. What is determined in a review of medical records is the stability of the HIV, compliance with treatment and generally a doctor’s very candid review of your social history. I will have asked you all the tough questions and if those answers you provided are corroborated by your medical history then we’re almost there.

It is at this point that the insurance company will make a tentative offer, subject to an exam and labs done by them. If that all goes well they will issue a policy for your review and acceptance. While, even at this point, you are not bound to accept the policy, an approved traditional life insurance policy when you are HIV+, at rates that are fair and competitive, would be something I’m thinking you would want to accept.

Bottom line. This is a chance that has never been seen before and please know that I take that very seriously, both for you and the insurance companies. Please call or email me directly with any questions. My name is Ed Hinerman. I look forward to speaking to you.