I’ve mentioned many times that the large internet agencies are well equipped to pursue and sell the younger age, completely healthy market. It is, for them, an uncomplicated and easy way to keep the cash flowing.

It is much quicker and easier than dealing with older clients that have health issues or for that matter, any age client with serious health, physical or mental, concerns.

We have been very successful by focusing on just the opposite market of the larger internet agencies. We specialize in finding and placing the best possible rates for people with issues ranging from bipolar disorder to heart disease to diabetes and epilepsy. In writing about these specific topics before I have often noted that if you have one of these issues and are looking for the best possible rates, you need to find an independent agent and avoid both the large internet agencies and agencies that specialize in auto and homeowners insurance.

Simply put, the large agencies don’t want to invest the time it takes to find you the best rates. You local Farmer’s Insurance agent doesn’t have the products or the underwriting power to get the job done for you.

Bottom line. If you are in less than perfect health, your time and effort is best spent talking with independent agents who understand your health issues and know what companies to go to and which to avoid.