The following facts were taken from a study done by LIMRA, (Life Insurance and Market Research Association). In reading these results I am struck by the fact that as insurance professionals we are faced with an underserved market. Customers know they need it, they like it and they want it. They just can’t seem to connect with someone to help them.

Fact: Nearly three out of four Americans agree that life insurance is the best way to protect against premature death of a primary wage earner.

Fact: Twnety four million households have NO life insurance protection at all. Almost one third of adults have NO life insurance protection.

Fact: Forty four percent of all US households (48 million) either don’t own life insurance and believe they should, or own life insurance and believe they need more. Among those that already own some life insurance, 40% believe they don’t have enough.

Fact: One fourth of primary wage earners feel they do not have a plan in place to provide a decent standard of living for their family if they died tomorrow. Twelve percent of families would immediately have trouble meeting everyday living expenses and another fifteen percent would have difficulty keeping up after several months.

Fact: Americans would like to discuss life insurance with a financial professional. Consumers feel buying life insurance is an important and complex financial decision. Half of them find it difficult to decide how much to buy and 43 percent worry about making the wrong decision.

Bottom line. The reason people know they need it and don’t pursue it is they don’t know how to find someone they can trust . They want professional guidance, not a salesperson.