30% of Christmas shopping this year will be done on line with no contact with another human at all. At least when you use an independent life insurance agent that is licensed in all the states, even though they aren’t down the block, the agent is human.

If they are a good agent, they will very likely give you better service than most local agents will give you. Because they are independent, they are going to be able to be flexible enough to make sure you are placed with the right company for the best value.

If they are a good agent, they will stay in touch with you as frequently, if not more than most local agents. We send policy summary letters and call all of our customers annually, at a minimum. Life insurance is not a dead document. It needs to be monitored and serviced.

You need to have an agent who will check each year to see if a better value has surfaced, an agent who will keep track of your health issues and habits and help you to jump on better underwriting when it pops up. I’ve seen underwriting deals that have popped up and been gone in as little as a few months. If you don’t have an agent who is tied into the national picture and a broad range of companies, opportunities will pass you by.

Bottom line. You may not get taken out to lunch by an agent that doesn’t live near you, but when was the last time you heard of a local agent taking you to lunch anyway? And what does lunch have to do with life insurance value and service?