There was a time when I had a whole different view of obesity and gastric bypass. I think the majority of folks still look at the whole thing through somewhat jaded and certainly uneducated eyes.

I will just be right up front and ask to be forgiven for the way I felt about the issue. I truly had no idea back then just how hard it can be to break the cycle of obesity and I truly had no idea just how at risk of premature death someone could be if they were extremely overweight. I just thought of it as a control problem and a gastric bypass as an easy way out.

After years of study I have a much different view of obesity and just how difficult it is to make meaningful changes in your weight and I also had a much greater appreciation for just how much danger a person was in the longer the weight stayed on. The risk of high blood pressure and stroke, diabetes and heart disease are not things that can be taken lightly and certainly aren’t health issues that, if a person has a way of stopping them, should be put off or ignored.

The studied truth is that for those whose health is at risk due to obesity, gastric bypass is starting to not just be seen as measure of last resort, but as a prudent medical decision. Studies have shown that most people being treated for hypertension or type 2 diabetes can be off of medication completely within just a few weeks of having the surgery. In the truest sense the bypass surgery isn’t just a treatment, but a cure.

From a life insurance standpoint, gastric bypass is viewed cautiously until the weight loss has stabilized. This usually takes about a year. It’s during this year that complications can still crop up. Then, most of the companies that are good with obesity issues will want to see a year of stability before they will approve at standard or better rates.

Bottom line. Gastric bypass surgery is not just an obesity easy button. It’s a measured decision that can help save a person’s life.