As many of you have so graciously tolerated my use of my Mom’s breast cancer to discuss the life insurance take on the subject, you may remember that prior to Mom, there was Dad and his stage 4 bladder cancer.

About a year and a half ago Dad was given a few months to possibly a year to live when the oncologist were unable to find a chemotherapy drug that he could tolerate. He was told that they didn’t have anything else they could do. But we, family, friends and everyone we could engage did have one more arrow in the quiver, prayer.

We prayed for Dad’s healing in spite of the fact that the medical community had given him a rather grim forecast. Six months later he had a CT scan and there was less cancer then than he had when they discontinued treatment, and Dad felt great. He was 85 years old and walking a couple of miles a day and living life to the fullest.

We feel so blessed that he had that time of winning with God, beating the odds and enjoying a rather vigorous period of his life for a guy his age. He felt blessed enough to share the Lord with anyone who would listen. He shared his story with anyone, but particularly with people who were going through hard times physically, people who were old and facing cancer battles.

The cancer came back about a month ago and Dad is in hospice now. He’s not doing well. As you have all prayed for him and Mom in the past I would ask you to pray for them again. Cancer is a sinister thing but I’ve so many people make so much good come out of it. Please pray for God’s perfect healing for him. It seems they will be together before long and then the pain and discomfort will end. My Dad will be healed.

Bottom line. My Mom and Dad and I have prayed more together in these last two years than in our lives before that combined. God has brought us the peace, comfort and wisdom that we could not have found on our own. He has brought us extra time that doctors said wouldn’t happen. His grace and mercy have carried us.