Just when we get lulled into a sense of security about the postive attributes of alcohol as a deterrent for heart disease, someone shows up and ruins the party.

In a very recent study, it appears there may be a significant link between alcohol use and breast cancer. That is not to say that every drink you have drives you closer to cancer, but rather, the more you drink, the higher the risk.

There were a couple of interesting results from the study. First, it appears that the type of alcohol didn’t seem to have any impact on the result of whether someone was diagnosed with cancer. Red wine and tequila seem to be on a level playing field when it comes to breast cancer. I don’t believe that holds true for heart disease.

The other interesting find was that a light drinker (one or less drinks per day) didn’t show any increased risk. “Women who had one or two drinks a day increased their risk of developing breast cancer by 10 percent. Women who had more than three drinks a day raised their risk by 30 percent. A 30 percent increased risk is not trivial,” Klatsky said. “It provides more evidence for why heavy drinkers should quit or cut down.”

From a life insurance perspective, heavy drinking is not looked upon favorably. It brings up substantial concern from a life style standpoint and now appears there could be increased concern in other areas as well.

Bottom line. Whether it is heavy drinking, or tobacco use, life style choices can have an impact on your life, your mortality and your life insurance rates.