I have emailed an article I read today to all of the underwriters I work with. While many are on board with the idea that all bipolar is created equal and that all bipolar should be declined life insurance, there are still some hanging on to their worst fears like a security blanket.

This well written article engages in some real life myth busting of bipolar disorder, and probably the “eason it resonates so well with me is that the myths they bust are exactly the reasons that we are placing more and more fairly priced life insurance for the bipolar community every week.

The entire article presents a case for the fact that a compliant, stable bipolar patient is a worthy life insurance risk.

Bottom line. What I hear from the best life insurance underwriters is that someone with bipolar who is compliant with their treatment and, because of that, is stable in their work and family life, is a risk that makes sense for them. While many underwriters get hung up on bipolar being a “mental” issue, the others keep it in context. Compliance and control in diabetes equals fair life insurance rates. The same criteria is used to underwriter hypertension or seizure disorders. The same should hold true for bipolar.